How Did a UK Punk Singer Turn into a Ruthless ISIS Recruiter?
If you were in England early in the 1990s, you might have run across an all-female band from London called Krunch. Their singer and guitarist was a woman named Sally Jones, born in Kent and from a well educated and well-to-do family.
Jones was married to a British Islamist named Junaid Hussain who is said to have radicalized her and then convinced her to move to Syria in 2013. After Hussain was killed by an American drone strike in 2015, Jones dedicated her energies to attracting more fighters for ISIS. For this, she became known as one of the “White Widows” (There are several women with that name.)
And she was good at it. It’s said that she recruited hundreds of women from the UK and had a lot of fun issuing terrorist threats. One of her games was to call on Muslim women to carry out attacks on cities throughout Britain during Ramadan. Reports also say that she was the person in charge of training all female recruits from Europe in the art of suicide bombing.
Jones was very active on social media writing things like “You Christians all need beheading with a nice blunt knife and stuck on the railings at Raqqa … Come here I’ll do it for you.”
The US State Department labeled her a foreign terrorist fighter, one of only two women with that designation.
This White Widow seems to have left this planet. Reports this week say that she and her 12-year-old son were taken out in a drone strike back in June. This would make her the first woman to be targeted this way.
More details here, here and here