USS Show Review and New Song
I’ve been a fan of USS for a long time now. The first time I heard the name ‘Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker’ I thought “Wow, love that”. And the first song I heard was “Hollowpoint Sniper Hyperbole”. And that sealed it. It is a great song. And I thought radio DJs would be in a panic!
I have never seen the band live until Saturday night. Previous visits to the Kitchener-Waterloo region were missed by happenstance. I was very excited to finally have the chance. They were playing at The Sinners and Saints Ball during Bingeman’s ScreamFest (similar to Canada’s Wonderland’s FearFest). I was both shocked at the small turnout and pleased for myself. I don’t think they advertised nearly enough and since it was the first time they’d had this, it must have been disappointing.
If you have to see one band live before your life ends, make it USS. There is a passion and energy that flows off the stage. Both Ash (lead singer) and Human Kebab (DJ and more) put on a sweat inducing night of fun. They know how to engage the crowd and bring you into the show.
One of the highlights (outside of them covering a great deal of their catalogue) was a cover of The White Stripes:
And one of the major surprises of the evening was them debuting a new song they’d been working on. They did not give it a title but I’m guessing “What I Wouldn’t Give” will suffice for now. Enjoy!
If you ever have a chance to see these guys, do it! And they have a wealth of music which ranges from fun to pure emotion. I can connect with the lyrics of many of their hits. And they even hung out after the show with Human Kebab playing DJ for the crowd until security finally ended it.
And yeah, I had a fanboy moment as well!