
Watch Liam Gallagher Review Music

How can you not? It’s like watching a f^&*ing genius at work, innit?

Gallagher recently gave his verdict on a handful of new tracks for Vice News. On ‘Cellophane’ by Canadian noise-rockers Metz, he said: “I’m having it. I like the bass and the drums, and the distorted guitars. And the vocals were alright as well… They sound pissed off, which I fucking like”.

Asked what he thought the band looked like, Liam said, “probably horrible… They sound good them, but look like nerds or something.”

After being played Houston rapper Ugly God’s ‘Fuck Ugly God’, Gallagher said: “Yeah alright, man. He’s talking about hoes and bitches and shit, right? And all that stuff. Yeah, I’m not keen on all that but it’s a good tune though man. It’s alright. I mean, I wouldn’t buy it, know what I mean? It’s not my kind of style but I like the big boom stuff, yeah.”

It’s worth your time!!

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Larry Lootsteen

Music is life and I love to write about all things music. Independent music blogger. Writer in general. I am a big fan of alternative and indie music but there's no genre I haven't found something to like.

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