
Weekly survey: Have you ever judged someone primarily by their taste in music?

Of the many uses for music, one of the most important might be that we use it to help us understand ourselves. Connected to that is the way we use music to project our identity to the rest of the world. And because every human is different, everyone chooses different types of music to accomplish both these things.

There’s been a lot of study into what your music taste actually says about you, specifically your personality. Here’s an example of some recent research that looks at the links between musical tastes and preferences and the kind of person we are.

My question this week is: Have another person’s musical taste caused you to steer away from them? Is a person’s favourite music enough to judge them?

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39645 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

6 thoughts on “Weekly survey: Have you ever judged someone primarily by their taste in music?

  • Yes. Especially lately. If someone says they’re a Kid Rock fan or an Aaron Lewis fan, I know everything I need to know about them.

  • Big time, specially if we’re talking about dating. What music they listen to is probably one of my first questions if not first 5 when meeting someone new.

    I wanna know if I can jam out with you in the car and take you to concerts. Or if I’m going to need earplugs as you blast the same 5 songs I heard at work already all day.

    It also shows how open you are to new things depending if you’re into one specific genre/decade or a bit of everything.

  • A person’s music taste tends to reflect their state of mind. Some people tend to be sheep like and just follow the crowd. Then there are the folks that say they don’t like any music……. Be very wary.

  • Not sure I steer away from people with different tastes ; they do get the old ” head bob ” of understanding . I usually get the old ” head bob ” in return also . 😉

  • Yes. If anybody dont like or know marilyn mansons music i avoid them.

  • Yes if someone doesn’t like electric light Orchestra they can just go to hell!


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