Weekly survey: Will 2021 be too soon for concerts?
In the Before Times, summer was packed with gigs, concerts, and festival. Not in 2020. Damned ‘rona has taken care of that. Anything that was scheduled for this year has either been canceled or postponed. But postponed until when?
The Foo Fighters are still listed as touring this fall to make up for postponed dates earlier this year. Over the last couple of days, Pearl Jam and Justin Bieber have announced rescheduled dates for summer 2021. The Hella Mega Tour with Green Day, Weezer, and Fall Out Boy won’t happen until next summer, either.
Or will it? Given what we know about COVID-19 now–and given that America is the world’s dumpster fire when it comes to this disease–do you think these concerts have a hope in hell of happening in a year’s time?
Big acts have rescheduled tours for 2021. Based on what you know about the COVID-19 situation, do you think they will actually happen?
— Alan Cross (@alancross) July 27, 2020