Weirdest Indie Band Recommendation Ever
In yet another one of those peculiaryly British political scandals, MP Tom Watson, the man in charge of Labour’s 2015 general election campaign, was forced to resign last week. The “why” doesn’t intrigue me as much as the “how.”
His resignation letter reads in part as follows:
You have it in you to be an outstanding Labour Prime Minister. The road ahead is always rocky but I will be with you all of the way, cheering you on from the backbenches. You’re my friend and leader, and I’m going to do all I can to make sure you win in 2015.
Here’s my parting thought:
John Humphrys asked me why you were not at Glastonbury this weekend. I said Labour leaders can’t be seen standing in muddy fields listening to bands. And then I thought how terribly sad that this is true. So: be that great Labour leader that you can be, but try to have a real life too. And if you want to see an awesome band, I recommend Drenge.
Yours sincerely,
Tom Watson
Member of Parliament for West Bromwich East
Drenge? Who are they?
They’re a couple of brothers, Rory and Eoin Loveless who have a self-titled album coming out next month. They also have an EP entitled Bloodsports. Let’s give ’em a listen, shall we?