The Weirdest Music Conspiracies of All Time
Trust in politicians, corporations, banks, sports figures, the church and the media has gone off a cliff over the last forty years. No wonder conspiracy theories of have blown up.
The 9/11 attacks? Inside job. Zika? An engineered virus designed to cull the world of the poor just as HIV deliberately targeted gays. Chemtrails are a mind control project (or is that climate control?) The Royal Family? They’re alien lizards. Everyone knows that. Occam’s Razor be damned.
Occam’s Razor be damned. The world is at war with science and the facts. Thank you, Internet.
The music world is not immune from interesting “explanations” for occurrences seen to be odd/nefarious. Here are a few of my favourite:
- Paul McCartney died in 1967 and was replaced by an imposter.
- Kurt Cobain was murdered.
- Bob Marley’s cancer was planted by the CIA because he was becoming too popular.
- Punk was a communist-funded plot to undermine Western society.
Dazed adds several more to the list.
- Shakira and Pitbull predicted the disappearance of Flight MH370.
- Beyonce is actually a clone–or at very least a member of the Illuminati.
- Morrissey predicted the death of Princess Diana.
- Nicki Minaj songs are just Jay Z records just sped up.
- Lorde is not a teenager.
- Gangsta rap was invented to fill new privately owned prisons.
- Aaliyah was killed by the music industry.
Got any more? I love me a good conspiracy theory. I want to turn this into an Ongoing History show. Feel free to offer up your theories in the comments section.
Supertramp’s 1979 album cover for “Breakfast in America” predicted the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on The Twin Towers. Just the name alone is cryptic since the attacks happened in the morning during breakfast hours, but if you haven’t seen the album please Google it cuz it’s pretty crazy.
There’s also a conspiracy theory that Tool’s Schism also predicted 9/11.
Jay Z in an Immortal Vampire