Welcome to March Badness: A Playdown to Find the Worst Rock Band EVER
A lot of bands are bad, sure, but how many can claim the honour of being the worst band ever? One, and this competition will determine who it is. That’s where you come in.
We’ve taken the liberty of pre-screening sixteen bands (something that required a lot of drinking. A lot.) which will compete in an NCAA-like March Madness playoff. Two will face off daily, with arguments for their lameness and evidence of what they laughably call “music,” being provided. Your job is to vote to see who makes it to the next round.
All are undeniably bad, but only one can be the absolute worst. Check back and vote daily to see if your favourites (?) make the cut during March Badness.
Ready? Stand by for our first matchup.
If Nickelback doesn’t “win” this, there is something wrong with the way the winner is chosen.
There is no other worse band than this.
Well, it’s probably not much of a spoiler to say that they’ll be “competing.” I must say, though, that there are some others that I think will at least give them a decent run.
Hoping to see some gems beyond the usual suspects of Nickelback and co, horrendous as they undoubtedly are. Something more along the lines of the Zager and Evans’ of this world. On second thought, maybe that’s unwise. 🙂 Either way, really looking forward to this brilliantly named tournament!
There is such a variety of terrible bands in this competition that I know you’ll be pleased, and maybe even disturbed.
Limp Bizkit is worse than ten million Nickelbacks.