What are the top Canadian audio choices? There’s been a survey.
Media Technology Monitor is a company what does that: monitor media. The results of a new survey of the favourite audio options of Canadians 18 years of age and older. Here are some topline findings.
- 40% of English-speaking Canadians and 43% of francophones say that they use YouTube Music more than any other streaming service.
- 38% of anglophones and 32% of francophones use Spotify.
- 43% of anglophones pay for a streaming subscription. The number for francophones is 35%.
- Almost 80% of anglophones use streaming content every month. For francophones, it’s about 75%.
- Smartphones are the device used the most for audio, whether it be streaming, radio, or podcasts.
- About 40% of anglophones listen to podcasts. It’s 25% for francophones. I’d guess that this number is lower because there are fewer French language podcasts that English ones.
- Who pays for premium podcasts? Not many. (Anglos 16%, francophones 9%).
- 69% of anglo kids use streaming music services while 63% listen to radio. That latter number surprised people because it was higher than expected.
In a related story, YouTube is the most popular online service in the US. Facebook is second, followed by Instagram.
(Via Broadcast Dialogue)