Why It’s Time for Artists to Stop Hating Streaming Music Services
Streaming music services keep getting a lot of stick for what artists consider to be meagre payouts for using their music.
As I’ve written before, this derision is misplaced; companies like Rdio and Spotify are following the rates they were able to negotiate with record labels, publishing companies, performing rights organizations and copyright boards. Those organizations are supposed to protect the interests of artists. If you’re an artist and you have a problem with Spotify or whomever, take it up with your protectors.
If you’re not convinced, read up on the leaked contract between Spotify and Sony. Oh, and you do know that many big labels have equity stakes in the streaming music services right?
So who’s zooming who here?
Let’s follow this line of thinking with this essay from an indie artist who thinks it’s time for people like him to stop with the hating.
If you trust the headlines about Spotify, you may believe all musicians are receiving rolls of pennies for our creative work. Perhaps you remember Thom Yorke calling Spotify“the last desperate fart of a dying corpse” in 2013. More recently, you may have seen Jay Z’s not-so-subtle jab at “a tech company selling advertisements.” No matter who you are, you heard about Taylor Swift’s public breakup with the Swedish-based streaming service.
As both an independent musician and a music fan, I’m here to give you a new headline: I believe Spotify is saving the industry.