Your niche genre of the day: Bardcore (medieval covers of modern songs)
The Dark and Middle Ages (c.600-1600 CE) had its own sort of music, some of which endures today. For example, elements are essential to some elements of today’s Goth. But there are those who remain faithful to the sensibilities and styles of that long-ago era. This is where we encounter a genre called “Bardcore.”
Practitioners take modern songs and re-imagine them as how they would be arranged and performed in, say, an English pub on a Saturday night in 1552. Some of this stuff would sound pretty good at a big Game of Thrones-type feast.
Here, for example, is how Foster the People might have sounded during the reign of Queen Mary I.
Bardcore folks seem to be particularly fond of Lady Gaga.
And how about a 16th century version of Linkin Park’s “Numb?”
Curious? Read more here.
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