27 of the Most Offensive Band Names Ever (NSFW)
The bar for offending someone with the name of your band has risen (lowered?) tremendously over the decades. I remember the shock at first encountering The Dead Kennedys and then Day-Glo Abortions. When Lollapalooza first came to Canada in 1991, local newscasters couldn’t bring themselves to say “Butthole Surfers.” When covering the show, they were referred to as “The B.H. Surfers.”But we can go even further back. In ’76 and ’77, most of Britain was outraged whenever they saw the name “Sex Pistols” in print.
Today, people still get bent out of shape over anything they find offensive. Viet Cong is a Calgary band that’s getting stick for their name. The New Pornographers get into trouble at least once a year become some doofus doesn’t get the irony. Same with the Barenaked Ladies.
Who else can we add to the “you offend me” list? Diffuser has some suggestions for the most offensive band names of all time.
Jon Cougar Concentration Camp: Really?
The Dicks: What if the band contained a lot of members named Richard?
Diarrhea Planet: Gross, yes. But offensive?
Revolting Cocks: Hell, I used to regularly play these guys on the radio!
Nashville Pussy: They’ve been around for years but are now getting grief for their “sexist” name.
AIDS Wolf: One of the most wonderfully weird bands I’ve ever seen perform live. Leave them alone!
Toxic Holocaust: See Jon Cougar Concentration Camp
Circle Jerks: Another band occasionally play on my radio show.
Fucked Up: Yeah, okay. Same with Fuck, Fuck Buttons, Holy Fuck, etc,
Funeral Rape: A bit weird, yes.
The Slits: They were fine in ’77 and they’re still fine today.
Rapeman: Steve Albini’s group. You can see why it would rankle some people.
Gay Witch Abortion: Fine with me. You?
Crucifucks: That crosses the line with a great many people, even worse than EyeHateGod and Impaled Nazarene.
Anal Cunt: Yep. You win. No argument from me.
Anything you care to add? Just keep in mind that the band has to be a real thing and not made up. My favourites include:
- ADickDid
- 1000 Homo DJs
- Afterbirth Sandwich
- Alabama Thunderpussy
- Anally Aboarted Fetus
- Barney Rubble and the Cunt Stubble
- Boner Doners
- Dead Milkmen
- The Fart Farmers
- Fudge Tunnel
- Gay for Johnny Depp
- Jackofficers
- Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat
- Satan’s Penis
- Scrotum Nosedive
Anything to add? Maybe this list will help you.
Butthole Surfers when asked if they would do anything differently if they did it all again said they would change their name to “I shit in you mom’s vagina” to guarantee they didn’t get on the radio.
Bobby Joe Ebola And The Children McNuggets is a good one, just truly weird and off-colour punk rock. The South Park guys also had a band called DVDA (Double Vaginal Double Anal)
Burning Recctal Itch lol
Burning Rectal Itch. lol should proofread before clicking submit.
Machine Gun Fellatio (from Australia)
Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel is my long-time fave here.
Vancouver’s finest. Dayglo Abortions.