
Donald Trump’s campaign playlist illustrated. It’s as weird and inappropriate as you’ve been told.

There’s been much written on the ineptitude of whoever is choosing the music for Donald Trump’s campaign rallies. For example:

  • “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”/Rolling Stones: Wait. What message are you trying to send with that?
  • “Fortunate Son”/CCR: A song about the son of a famous person who managed to dodge the Vietnam war because daddy made some calls? How are those bone spurs, Donnie?
  • “Rockin’ in the Free World”/Neil Young: You do know that Neil hates you, right?
  • “Rocket Man”/Elton John: What does this song have to do with anything Trump is selling?
  • “In the Air Tonight”/Phil Collins: I can’t even…
  • Guns N’ Roses, REM, Rihanna, Adele, Ozzy, Tom Petty’s estate, Prince’s estate, Leonard Cohen’s people, Panic! At the Disco, Eddie Grant, Pharrell Williams, Queen and more have all demanded that Trump stop using specific songs.

Most inexplicable to me is the continued use of the Village People’s “Macho Man.” No one has apparently pointed out the origins and use of this iconic gay anthem.

Pierre Derks, a visual artist from The Netherlands, sent me his new construction which uses original audio from Trump appearanecs. He’s got it set up so that it begins with Trump’s bad dad-dancing to “Macho Man,” but if you need be, scrub the video back at to the beginning.

TRUMP The Original Soundtrack from Pierre Derks on Vimeo.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39665 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

One thought on “Donald Trump’s campaign playlist illustrated. It’s as weird and inappropriate as you’ve been told.

  • About the only one I can see is You Can’t Always Get What You Want. Nobody wants the guy, but he’s trying to say that with him, you get what you need, someone who’ll make the difficult choices to right the ship.

    It’s COMPLETELY not true, but I get that someone in the administration looked at it that way.

    And yeah, Rockin’ in the Free World completely bashes everything that Trump AND his party stand for.

    With most of them, you can completely see that they’ve heard the one chorus refrain and gone with it, completely ignoring the context of the rest of the lyrics. Fortunate Son, though? It baffles me what it was about it that they thought was politically savvy. “It Ain’t Me” I know he says that a lot, but it’s not what anyone should be highlighting…

    Here’s hoping that it indeed ain’t him!


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