Reclusive Talk Talk Man Resurfaces!
There are some artists that just…disappear–at least for a while. Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys retired to his crazy sandbox. Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd went AWOL. Lee Mavers of The La’s turned into something of a hermit. Same with Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine.
Then there’s Mark Hollis of Talk Talk. What started as a straight-ahead technopop band in the early 80s eventually evolved into something rather special over the next ten years. Then they broke up.
Hollis stuck around to release a solo album in 1998 and then showed up as a guest artist on a few records by other people. And then…nothing. Fans were left to keep vigil.
But now he’s resurfaced–and in a completely unexpected way. Pitchfork has the story. Read it and then enjoy what remains my favourite Talk Talk track.