
Top Ten Music-Less Music Videos

I found one of these a month ago… and now I’m addicted. The idea is to take 99% of the music out of these music videos and then replace them with the sound effects that match the videos. Some of these would be foley artists are pretty good. Some of them make your realize just how ridiculous some of these videos are. And taking a cue from them, I present them without my usual commentary and invite you readers to share your thoughts. Come up with your best description for the videos underneath, post them in the comment section and I’ll repost this list with my favorites!  So for the end of the week, be prepared for a laugh as I present the top ten music-less music videos!

10) Queen – I Want To Break Free

9) Shakira / Rihanna – Can’t Remember To Forget You

8) Miley Cyrus – Can’t Stop

7) The White Stripes – The Hardest Button To Button

6) Michael Jackson – The Way You Make Me Feel

5) Jamiroquai – Virtual Insanity

4) Kanye West and Jay Z – Otis

3) Macklemore / Ryan Lewis -Thrift Shop

2) Psy – Gangnam Style

1) The Prodigy – Breathe









Brent Chittenden

Brent Chittenden is a freelance writer with a gift for the geek. Currently a writer with A Journal Of Musical Things and a podcaster with True North Nerds, he's also written for Comic Book Daily, Explore Music and a dozen other places. Currently, he is the co-host of the True North Nerds podcast. You can find out more at

Brent Chittenden has 195 posts and counting. See all posts by Brent Chittenden

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