Coming to Toronto in November: The International Music Video Festival. Submissions required.
[A report from Elisa F.G. – AC]
You’re in a band. You are slotted to perform but the band before you is running over their set time, most nights you’d be miffed but your bass player is running late again. It’s all good though, No Name The Band is doing an encore and they seem to be covering Free Bird, you’ve scored some more time. Thank you No Name The Band. And thank you Lynyrd Skynyrd for the nine minutes!
As you whip out your phone to text your bass player, he whips around the corner of the stage. What the…? There seems to be a turn of events, everything isn’t going south, it’s u-turned and the evening is now going to be *chef’s kiss* Break a leg!
The Toronto International Music Video Festival (TIMVF) is November 12, 2023 and if any readers had hoped to enter but missed the September 8 submission deadline, consider this (and our nifty train of thought) your nine minute Free Bird cover. You’ve still got time, the extended deadline is October 6.
“There are so many groundbreaking creatives who have established themselves with music videos. It’s inspiring to see an artist’s vision come to life, not matter the budget.” Says Jacob Sero, Marketing Director for TIMVF.
Fox Theatre 2236 Queen Street East is where the one-day festival will be held, exhibiting some of best and most promising talent in the video industry. Insight panels, intimate round table discussions, Q&A’s, screenings, and awards – all the festival fixings run from 11am until 5pm.
“And to top off the night, there will be a social mixer for attendees at a nearby gastropub!” Says Sero. Proper way to close off a video festival, but can you coat check a video award? If you are going to win, it’s good to know 😉
For submissions go here.