More Fundraising in Honour of Gord Downie: “In Gord We Trust”
This stuff just keeps on coming. From the press release:
Die-hard Tragically Hip fans launch ‘In Gord We Trust’ fundraiser to raise funds for the Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research
All proceeds from the sales of t-shirts and hats to be donated to the Sunnybrook Foundation
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, July 20, 2016 – Passionate Tragically Hip fans, Dorian Banks and Jeff McCormack, have launched the ‘In Gord We Trust’ fundraiser for the Sunnybrook Foundation’s Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research. Looking to support their favourite Canadian icon, all funds raised from the sales of their ‘In Gord We Trust’ and ‘50 Mission Cap’ hats and t-shirts will go directly to funding the tools needed to beat brain cancers.
Dorian and Jeff created the original ‘50 Mission Cap’ that they sold at the Another Roadside Attraction music festival held in Markham back in 1993. 23 years later, Dorian is a serial entrepreneur and Jeff is the owner and founder of, an online distributor of blank t-shirts and other promotional apparel. Forever die-hard fans of The Hip, when Dorian and Jeff heard about Gord Downie’s cancer diagnosis, it hit them particularly hard. Looking for a way to give back to the band that has means so much to them, Jeff and Dorian decided to bring back the ‘50 Mission Cap’ and launch the ‘In Gord We Trust’ fundraiser. To date, ‘In Gord We Trust’ has had over $23,000 in sales.
In May of this year, Gord Downie was diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer. Glioblastoma is the most common and most aggressive cancerous tumour that starts in the brain. Like many brain tumour types, the exact cause of glioblastoma is not known.
In the wake of Gord Downie’s diagnosis, the Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research was established at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Donations to the Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research will give Sunnybrook the tools needed to help combat brain cancers that are currently unbeatable by supporting the investigation of new drugs, surgical techniques and genetic therapies. The money raised will help support groundbreaking research that benefits patients not only at Sunnybrook, but across Canada and around the world.
Sales of the ‘In Gord We Trust’ and ‘50 Mission Cap’ t-shirts and hats are available online by visiting
About ‘In Gord We Trust’:
‘In Gord We Trust’ is a fundraiser for the Sunnybrook Foundation’s Gord Downie Fund for Brain Caner Research. All proceeds from the sales of the ‘In Gord We Trust’ and ’50 Mission Cap’ t-shirts and hats will go towards funding the tools needed to beat brain cancers.