More Music From The Inbox 24 Jan 2018 Editors, Blake Preston, Baloji and More!
Artist: Editors, “Magazine”
Album: Violence
Always a huge fan of this English band. You need to know them if you don’t.
Sounds like: how the world runs
Artist: Blake Preston, “Gone”
Album: The Sieve and The Sand
A great guy with a great sound
Sounds like: where you need to be right now
Artist: Baloji, “Soleil De Volt”
Album: 137 Avenue Kaniama
Always intriguing out of the Congo/Belgium
Sounds like: throwback thrown forward
Artist: Henry Metal, “Vampyre”
Album: Henry Metal V
Interesting and eclectic stuff
Sounds like: New old school metal
Artist: Goodnight, Sunrise, “Remember Now”
Album: N/A
Great new stuff out of Toronto
Sounds like: staying in the moment
Artist: Falling Through April, “Desperate Measure”
Album: Zodiac
Some great guitar rock from this North Carolina band
Sounds like: a step we’ve all taken
you are awesome… Music was my first love
And it will be my last.
Music of the future
And music of the past.
To live without my music
Would be impossible to do.
In this world of troubles,
My music pulls me through.