Musicians Band Together for Longest Performance EVER to Benefit Gord Downie Cancer Fund
Ever since news broke of Gord Downie’s incurable brain cancer broke last May, individuals and organizations across the country have spent thousands of hours on charitable good works to raise money for brain cancer research. This is another one of those stories.
Kevin Kerr, who runs a company called Epidemic Music Group, came up with a fundraiser. What if he and his people could organize the longest continuous musical performance by multiple artists? How big could they make this?
After consulting the Guinness Book of World Records, Kevin and his crew are planning a gig that will run over 16 days beginning March 17 at The Earl of Whitchurch in Stouffville, Ontario. More than 400 performers have been lined up and have committed to play 24 hours a day until the record is set. The current record is held by the US; they want to wrestle the title to Canada as part of our 150th birthday celebrations.
Sixteen different charities will benefit including Sick Kids, Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research, Markham Stouffville Hospital, Evergreen Hospice, The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjac Fund, Artscan Circle and many more.
Community support has been impressive with plenty of enthusiasm. Expect to hear more about the event as we get closer to the start date.
I find it interesting all the talk is of Gord Downie and don’t get me wrong, I am a huge fan, but where is the talk of John Mann’s fight with early onset alzheimer’s?
That had quite a bit of coverage about a year ago (TV, Globe and Mail, Star, a series of benefit shows). Since then, John and his family have kept to themselves.
its because. the Hip/Downie, put it out there and Gord is putting himself out there, wanting to use,his own struggle, to bring light to cancer and to the First Nations.
Conversely I’m a much bigger fan of Spirit of the West, but they’re simply not as popular as the Hip are, nor as ingrained into the national fabric.
I couldn’t agree more, while I do really like the Hip and I love the various causes this will support. Spirit was my favorite Canadian band and the news of John’s illness hit me hard.
Hopefully Justin Trudeau will be BACL in the spotlight at this TOUR to tell Canada.. and our Hero Gord Downie… HOW he has kept his WORD for OUR aboriginal people who have been failed by the Canadian government for centuries…..Gord Downie is ahead by a century… hopefully Trudeau will not let Gords wishes be be further denied.
Nicole nice way to deflect away from the positives in this article.
Is this all 400 performers at the same time? Or back to back? I can’t even fathom this at the Earl! It’s such a tiny place for such a big performance. Can’t wait to get more details. Wishing them all the best with this.
There’s room–if you scrunch together really, really closely. Plus there’s room in the bathroom.
lmao, yes 400 musicians playing all at once should turn out to be a good show. how many drummers can fit on one stool?
A noble cause!
Performers will be back to back within minutes of each other. Non-stop music for 16+ days ?
Pingback: A Journal of Musical ThingsUpdate on the World's Longest Concert Attempt in Aid of Gord Downie's Favourite Charities - A Journal of Musical Things
what is required for to play 30 min rock n roll if I come to where is this place in stoville
what time frame am I looking at to come and play rock n roll led free world neil long way to the top ac hyway to hell etc Gibson sg