Random Music News for September 1, 2014
It’s so unfair that the first day after Labour Day is September 2! I’m feeling very ripped off.
- You know when that bridge was closed in Dublin last weekend? It was definitely for a U2 video shoot.
- Kate Bush has set a new UK chart record. Eight of her albums are in the Top 40 and two are in the Top 10.
- Want Lorde to perform at your house? Sure! That’ll be $300,000, please.
- Kings of Leon cancel two more shows because of that weird bus accident.
- Anvil drummer Robb Reiner gets a gallery show for his paintings.
- Is New Order thinking of collaborating with James Murphy? That could be interesting…
- Using the experience gained in turning around their Canadian operation, HMV comes roaring back in the UK.
- What’s the best Ramones album of all?
- Jessica Simpson is getting back into music. Oh, good.
- The price for the WKRP in Cincinatti re-release (with 85% of the music restored) has been set at less than $100 CAD.
- Royal Blood is the best-selling rock band in the UK–and it’s been three years since a rock band has done this well in Britain. Best pay attention, then.