Music IndustrySurveyTech

There’s a new study on media habits by Canadians. Where do you fit in?

Back in February, Edison Research and Triton Digital conducted a survey of 1,001 Canadians 18 and over to find out how we’re consuming media products these days. Here’s the executive summary. (The full story can be found here.)

  • Smartphone ownership is steady at 86% of the population. (My 87-year-old father is part of the remaining 14%. He’s got some kind of flip phone that he carries in a pouch on his belt.)
  • Tablet ownership moved from 46% to 54%. That’s probably a factor of the pandemic as most people needed something to distract them while in lockdown.
  • Smart speaker awareness was at 77%. Ownership of those devices ticked up from 26 to 27%. (America is at 32%.)
  • Streaming of AM/FM stations grew to 70% of us listening to radio that way weekly.
  • 71% report listening to some kind of online audio within the previous month. Again, credit/blame COVID.
  • Of all the online products, most people are aware of Spotify (77%), followed by Apple Music (74%), YouTube Music (64%), Amazon Music (57%), HeartRadio (43%), and SoundCloud (39%). Deezer, Tunein, Tidal, and something called LiveXLive bring up the rear.
  • 41% of Canadians say they use Spotify most often. About 25% of us used to listen to Apple Music, but that’s now down to 15%.
  • There’s a correlation between online audio listening and smart speaker ownership. If you have a smart speaker, you’re more likely to stream audio.
  • In-car audio is way down, from 92% to 77%. Who’s been commuting over the last year?
  • The most-used audio source in the car? Radio (79%) followed by owned music (i.e. plugging in your phone to access tracks, 39%), CD player 32% (a lot of new cars don’t come with CD players), podcasts (20%), online radio (17%), and satellite radio (16%).
  • 78% of Canadians say that they’re familiar with the term “podcasting.”
  • 57% of us listen to podcasts at least monthly. The gender balance for podcasts is 53% men and 47% women.
  • Most people (23%) listen to three podcasts a week. Then there’s the 10% who say they listen to 11 or more. Who has that kind of time?
  • 23% of Canadians have been listening to podcasts for five years or longer. 11% just picked up the habit in the last six months.

Again, the whole report can be found here.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39671 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

One thought on “There’s a new study on media habits by Canadians. Where do you fit in?

  • Slacker Radio (which I loved) morphed into LiveXLive (which I don’t).


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