The Cult of Elon Musk Grows Larger with the Unveiling of the First Ever Musk Heavy Metal Tribute Band
Tesla/SpaceX founder Elon Musk is as close to a real-life Tony Stark as we’ve seen. His audacious scientific and engineering plans–you’ve read about the Hyperloop, right?–have inspired others to follow in his footsteps. But no all are interested in cool gadgetry. Some just wanna rock.
Enter Raptor Command, a metal band that bills itself as the world’s first Elon Musk tribute band.
Their debut single is “Elon: Champion for Humanity.” I quote Max Carlisle, who plays keyboards and guitar: “We hope that this first single is a fitting tribute to Elon’s tireless efforts to forge a bright and triumphant future for humanity!”
The song comes down somewhere between the Scorpions, Iron Maiden and, er, Europe with a little more Ayn Randian The Fountainhead/Atlas Shrugged inspiration in the lyrics (“Breaking the rules, he follows his path / Visions of the future, now within his grasp,” etc. Hank Reardon, anyone?) Here are the lyrics in full. Please enjoy.
Racing to the future, he puts the pedal down.
One hundred thousand watts, at his command.
Rocketing to the stars, on to mars we fly.
Heed his call, before the planet dies.
Into the future he flies.
Stand strong together we survive.
Elon, champion for humanity.
He’ll take the world beyond the stars.
Elon, one to lead us all.
The champion for the future of humanity.
Breaking the rules, he follows his path.
Visions of the future, now within his grasp.
Harnessing the power, the power of the sun.
Energy and freedom for everyone.
Into the future he flies.
United as one, we shall thrive.
Elon, champion for humanity.
He’ll take the world beyond the stars.
Elon, one to lead us all.
The champion for the future of humanity.
[Spoken]: Falcon 9 secure. Strong-back retract. Com check. Go. Flight control. Go. Vehicle is on automatic. Main engine start. Falcon 9 has cleared the towers.
Get ready to launch, get ready to fly.
Seconds to go, into the sky.
Prime the engines, fuel going in.
The final countdown, now it begins.
[Keyboard Solo and Guitar Solo]
Elon, champion for humanity.
He’ll take the world beyond the stars.
Elon, one to lead us all.
The champion for the future of humanity.
Elon, champion for humanity.
He’ll take the world beyond the stars. Yeah!
Elon, one to lead us all.
The champion for the future of humanity.
Well it certainly got them a few mentions in the media. LOL.