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New Music From The Inbox: Iska Dhaaf, COOPER, Rachel Ries, Black Submarine, The Callas

By: Juliette Jagger

Artist: Iska Dhaaf “Happiness”
Album: Even the Sun Will Burn

There is something melancholic and yet incredibly captivating and fresh about Seattle’s Iska Dhaaf. 2014 could be a breakout year for this band.

Sounds like: “I want to taste it till I’m wasted, I want to fall, in my place.”


Artist: COOPER “Heaviest Of Weights”
While COOPER does possess a certain delicate whimsy, this song hits like a gasp of fresh air.

Sounds like: “Time keeps slipping and it seems I’m giving it away again…”

Link/Listen/Watch: [soundcloud params=”auto_play=true&show_comments=true&color=0ac4ff”][/soundcloud]

Artist: Rachel Ries “Mercy”
Ghost of a Gardener

Ries is simply of another time ­– “Mercy” tells of an ill-fated love through silver-tonged lyrics and shadowy folk appeal.

Sounds like:  “You stay sober and I’ll come over with a bottle of gin.”



Artist: Black Submarine “Black Submarine”
New Shores

Black Submarine are Nick McCabe (ex-The Verve guitarist), Simon Jones (ex-The Verve bassist), Davide Rossi (multi-instrumentalist/string arranger for Goldfrapp/Coldplay), Michele ‘Mig’ Schillace (ex-drummer for Portishead/Santa Cruz) and London-based vocalist Amelia Tucker.

Sound wise; it’s all there.

Sounds like: “I’ve been here before…”

Link/Listen/Watch: [soundcloud params=”auto_play=true&show_comments=true&color=0ac4ff”][/soundcloud]

Artist: The Callas “East Beat”
Am I Vertical?

Minimalist noise pop with a healthy side of Kraut.

Sounds like: “East, east beast, I came for the feast…”


Juliette Jagger

Juliette Jagger is a Canadian music journalist. She is on Twitter @juliettejagger.

Juliette Jagger has 561 posts and counting. See all posts by Juliette Jagger

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