Random Music News for Saturday, May 14, 2016
Last Sunday, I was in Halifax. Now I’m heading to Hong Kong today. I’m going so far west that I’ll end up in the east. With that, here’s some music news.
- The Spice Girls are in the studio. The 90s really are back.
- Ozzy confessed his love for Sharon at a festival. Will she take him back?
- Meanwhile, she’s talking about his timeline for retirement.
- This is an interesting outcome of a Justice Dept. probe into royalty payments.
- Australian surgeons removed a cell phone from a man’s stomach.
- How KISS applied their makeup back in the day.
- Pearl Jam gives props to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
- Interesting: Why would Dr. Luke file for the release of Kesha’s medical records?
- YouTube’s negotiations with the record labels over music licensing: who holds all the cards? You may be surprised.
- Can Axl Rose keep AC/DC from going off the rails? Here’s one opinion.
- Young Canadians LOVE their streaming music services.
- Barack Obama offers official praise for Finland’s contributions to the world of metal. (Via Tom yet again.)
- Ireland loses its only alternative radio station. Dammit. (Via Irish Alan)
- Some interesting quick hits about various forms of radio.