Remember Creem Magazine? Boy Howdy, There’s a New Documentary
Back in the day, I spent my paper route money (too much of it, if you ask my mom) on copies of Rolling Stone, Circus and Creem at the local Rexall drugstore. While I devoured them all. RS was often a little too political for me and Circus was sometimes a small step up from Tiger Beat. And Creem? It was just…weird. And I loved it.
Born in Detroit, Creem–or, more correctly, CREEM–was born in 1969 and was at its best through the glory days of the early 70s (Stones, Stooges, Zeppelin, Alice, KISS) and introduced me to British punk (starting with Lou Reed and Patti Smith and easing into the Ramones.)
There’s now a doc chronicling CREEM’s heyday. Check out the trailer. Learn more about the film here.