So much is happening with AI and music that we may need daily updates
So much is going on in the world of artificial intelligence and music that it’s getting impossible to keep up. Here are some of the latest developments from just the last couple of days.
Who gets paid in the world of fake artists?
With Fake Drakes and Imposter Eminems and Resurrected Kurts and Tweaked Beatles flooding the internet, one of the biggest issues is who gets paid? How does copyright work in these situations? We just don’t know. Yet.
At the same time, AI is making music fans’ fantasies come true
People are using the technology to invent more and more duets that don’t exist IRL. Fans are loving this. Here’s an example: The Beatles and The Beach Boys dueting on “God Only Knows.”
AI is also making it easier for music fans to create playlists.
Looking for a little help with that next running list? Try Plexamp.
And if you’re into editing video, AI will provide the soundtrack
This is an area where AI music creation is going to be very useful: stock music production. And it’s available to everyone now.
Spotify is cracking down on AI music
Not entirely, but the company did notice some weird stream manipulations and has removed a bunch of songs.
Grimes seems to be doing well
She’s embraced AI and is offering anyone her voice for a 50% cut of the eventual creation. More than 15,000 people have taken her up on her offer so far.
These jobs will be created and lost over the next five years.
This article in Fast Company estimates that between now and 2027, technology (specifically AI) will result in the loss of 89 million jobs. Some of them will be replaced with new tech-related jobs, but only 69 million of them. Is your gig on the list?
These robot dogs don’t bark. They speak in full sentences.
Thanks to ChatGPT, these already-terrifying robot dogs are even more terrifying.
BONUS: This applies to the current Hollywood writers strike.