This site streams music for cats and dogs. It’s a monster.
Music for Pets seems to have cornered the market when it comes to music curated for cats and dogs. It’s the site behind channels like Relax My Dog (2 million subscribers) and Relax My Cat (870,000) I’ve used the former for my two English bull terriers, Squirt (the elder) and Snug (the six-month-old puppy) and I can attest that whatever they’re doing, it works. I access everything from my Roku stick on my living room TV where they spend most of their time.
Music for streams at least 800,000 tracks monthly resulting in a listening time of more than a million-and-a-half minutes per month. Last year, it served up one billion streams. There’s also the Spotify option where it has 87,000 monthly listeners for dogs and 110,000 with cats.
So does this mean cat people are more likely to use Spotify than dog people? Are dog people more likely to use YouTube?