Music News

UPDATE: Yoko Ono Says She Had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the 70s. Wait–WHAT?

No, this isn’t a headline from The Onion or some other satirical site. It comes from USA Today. They wouldn’t kid us, right?

UPDATE: Yes, they would–at least inadvertently. From the comments below.

Los Angeles | Yoko Ono shocked reporters yesterday when she responded to a question concerning the presidential run of Hillary Clinton and the possibility that she could become the first woman President of the United States in American history.

The artist and widow of John Lennon, who is in Los Angeles to present a collection of cups and saucers she is exhibiting at the Museum of Modern Art, totally took reporters by surprise by admitting she had not only met the former First Lady at various times during a series of protests against the Vietnam War in New York in the 1970s but also knew her “intimately”.

The celebrity admitted laughingly to having “a fling” with her at the time and acknowledged her election “would be a great advancement for LGBT and Women rights in America” she added.

Yoko Ono when asked about her thoughts about Hillary’s run for the presidency completely took reporters by surprise.

“We met many times during the New York Vietnam War protests in the 1970s, and became very intimate. We shared many of the same values about sexual equality, fighting against the authoritarian, patriarchal, male-dominated society we were raised in” she explained.

“We had a brief romantic fling when I lived with John in Manhattan and Hillary was studying at Yale, but eventually we lost touch. I am amazed how things are going well for her and wish her the best for her campaign” she told reporters during the press conference.

Um…wow. Read on about this fake-out here. Meanwhile, Hillary and Katy Perry are getting awfully close.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39682 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

8 thoughts on “UPDATE: Yoko Ono Says She Had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the 70s. Wait–WHAT?

  • The story comes from World News Daily Report that IS a satirical fake-news site. Yoko has even acknowledged the story, said she thought it was funny, but of course it’s not true

  • Nasty. Yuk. Ewwwww. Just the thought it revolting. Even if it’s a lie.

  • I would like to see the article where she denounces the affair

  • They sure go through a lot to deny the truth don’t they. An audio interview with Yoko Ono speaking talked all about her affair with Hildabeast during her marriage to Lennon. It had been on Screwtube for quite sometime and just like the truth about the poisonous “covid” injections, antifa coming from Ukraine who actually loves their Neo Nazis, etc. that was suddenly scrubbed since screwtube/#googleis666 hate for the truth to be posted.


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