Music News

If You’re Calgary Rock Fan–Hell ANY Kind of a Rock Fan–This Should Piss You Off

We’re all about trying to identify hate groups, apparently. Who are these people? Where can we find them? What do they do when they’re not marching around with Tiki torches?

The City of Calgary is taking this very seriously. On their website, there is a list created by the Calgary Police Service that details “signs of a child being part of a hate group.” What signs might those be? A penchant for Nazi memorabilia and symbolism? A fondness of wearing brown shirts? Stiff-armed salutes with the right hand?

Nope. One of the warning signs is “playing loud, heavy rock music with violent lyrics.”

More than one Calgary rock fan objects to this sort of stereotyping and profiling. But Calgary police spokesman Corwin Odland says this piece of information comes from their own research. “It’s a common thread!” he says.

Here’s the whole list:

You might want to read more of where Calgary is coming from.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39696 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

4 thoughts on “If You’re Calgary Rock Fan–Hell ANY Kind of a Rock Fan–This Should Piss You Off

  • Let me see

    Sudden disinterest in school, check
    New groups of friends and staying out late, check
    Loud music with violent lyrics, check
    Changes in appearance, check
    Secretive behaviour, check
    Disobedience towards parents, check

    Holy crap!!! Teenage me was in a hate group

  • I was going to say, on six of those items, doesn’t that just mean you may have a teenager on your hands?

  • This is retarded fucking sjw snowflakes need a good stiff kick in the ass and a slap back into reality

    • You sound like a snowflake on your little hill there.


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