Ongoing History Daily: Life after music
So what do you do when your music career is finally over? Here are some examples.
- Richard Coles used to be a keyboardist in the Communards, a gay-friendly band of the 80s. Last I heard, he was the curate of St. Paul’s Church in London, England.
- Louise Wener was the singer in Sleeper, a band who had some hits during the Britpop era. She set her sights on being a professional writer and taught novel-writing.
- Robert Dean was in a post-punk band called Japan. He now illustrates books on wildlife with a focus on wild birds.
- Remember Jesus Jones? Their singer, Mike Edwards, became a personal trainer for a while.
- And this is my favourite. Terry Chimes played drums with everyone from the Clash to Black Sabbath. He’s now a chiropractor and runs a very successful practice in England.
You’ve posted about him before, but my favourite was always Rob Dickinson of Catherine Wheel customising Porsches with his Singer Motors company.