Radio in Canada: Still not dead
Despite the onslaught of new technologies, radio, which has been with us in its commercial form for almost a hundred years, continues to hold its own.
According to a new Media Technology Monitor report (subscription), 87% of anglophone Canadians listened to AM/FM radio on various platforms (traditional radio, online, etc.) in 2017. That represents a drop of 1% from last, a figure easily tucked into the margin of error.
- Digging a little deeper, we find the following figures for anglophone listening in this country:
- 79% of Canadians listened to radio on a traditional receiver in 2017. That’s down from 80% in 2016. Again, margin of error.
- 23% report listening to radio online. That figure has remained pretty much stable since 2014.
- Listening to Sirius XM Canada dropped by 1% from 15% to 14%. More margin of error.
- Overall, Anglophone Canadians spent an average of 8.3 hours a week listening to radio on an actual radio.
So the medium is not dead yet. Not by a long shot.